Special Finds
Ceramic smoking pipe stem reading MaC (possibly a maker's mark), 3.00 grams
Can, 9.60 grams
Ceramic smoking pipe stem, 2.00 grams
Key (cut), 10.60 grams
Front of 1901 American penny, 3.00 grams
Porcelain doll arm, 7.00 grams
Incomplete wooden button, 1.00 gram
Metal button with the letters "GIANT BRAND MPLS" on it with the icon of a muscled arm wielding a hammer, 1.20 grams
Metal shoe buckle, 6.00 grams
Porcelain doll hand, 2.00 grams
Metal snap, 1.00 gram
Unidentifiable metal buckle, 2.30 grams
Lock and key (reading US- Winner), 146.00 grams
Button made of shell, 1.00 gram
Lightbulb possibly from a flashlight, 2.00 grams
Shoe heel, 8.10 grams
Bivalve mollusk (auger) shell, 0.50 grams
Molded glass domed button, 0.90 grams
Molded glass marble, 4.40 grams
Molded glass button, 0.80 grams
Cufflink (2-piece button), 1.60 grams
Horse shoe, 272.20 grams
Incomplete painted doll face made of glass (molded), 2.80 grams